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Tobi Crawford

This One is All Over the Place

DISCLAIMER: This first part is kind of a mess and makes no sense. I just kind of let my brain go for a second.


I really need to start writing blogs again. To be honest, I struggle with writing content and posting because I just feel like who in the heck is going to read this anyways. First and foremost, if you read my posts or plan to read them in the future, thank you. I can't promise that this is going to be super formatted, actually it will probably be all over the place. I want to just write freely about the things that I do like and the things that I don't. And here this the point where I feel like I am just rambling. I don't know, I guess what I am trying to say is, I want to starting doing things for myself. If I want to write about my infertility, I'm going to do it, if I want to post about my target trip and all the goodies I don't need but bought anyways, I will. I always find myself in this space of "I can't because, so and so, I can't because its already been done. The reality is, there are a million and one people who have blogs and I can be one of them too.


Okay, now that is over...

Here is a little life update:

I started seeing a fertility specialist in February and Ivan and I have officially started trying for a babe. I will make a separate post on this to explain all the things. Our first born kitty boy was just recently diagnosed with kidney disease and we have been managing that. I have to be honest, that rocked my world a bit, a lot of bit. He is doing better now and acting more like himself, which is good, but his kidney disease will always be there. I think that is pretty much it, there has not been a lot going on.


On another note, we just bought a new rug for the living room and I am so freaking excited! I have been slowly changing the aesthetic in our home and I am obsessed. It is slowly coming together and once we get the rug in I'll take some photo and show ya'll what I've done.

I hope ya'll have an amazing rest of your week!



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